But I guess I will have a pass. If the vendor does not bother to provide such details, then I guess it talks volume abt the work. And this is not with just this extension, but with almost all other.
For an open source product to be successful, there should be good eco system around it. Bare knuckle is no good.
make sure you are using valid SMTP credentials for mail.
also, all the fields are required to be correctly set in .env as mention below: https://prnt.sc/tzkcn0
@bhanu-webkul not able to view the image. Seems either the server is down or image size is huge.
But if I understand your suggestion, product has to be added for each locale. So if there is one product P1 and locales L1 & L2, one has to add P1 with L1 locale and then again with L2. Pls confirm.