Open packages/Webkul/Shop/src/Resources/lang/en/app.php and jump to line 476 there you can change the subject, etc... for orders, invoices, shipment, forget-password, customer registration
hi @rahul ,
I am not talking about the query. I want to show it in grid something like below.
Is there any functionality in grid through which I can achieve it? does the grid support group by feature with drag & drop column? or I need to do it manually
Mass actions does not support any kind of frontend component invoke. Rather is dependent on a single AJAX function for passing all the selected IDs to your provided route.
You would be required to over ride the datagrid blade files to do that and create a delayed sequence on submission of mass action AJAX request.
Hi @hChamran
the following steps would do the trick
Go to Settings
Click on Currencies and add your currency.
3. Go to Settings -> Channels and click on the pencil to edit the channel.
4. Select the curreny you like to assign to this channel.
Create your migration file as you always do in laravel
php artisan make:migration create_my_table
inside the /src folder from your package create a new folder Database.
Go to the Database folder and create a new folder Migrations.
Copy your generated migration file to packages/My/Package/src/Database
Open your package service provider and add your migrations folder to the boot method
class MyPackageServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
* Perform post-registration booting of services..
* @return void
public function boot()