If you are not using latest version of marketplace then first you need to add a event on below file.
Path: Marketplace/src/Resources/views/shop/default/sellers/account/products/edit/videos.blade.php
Open videos.blade.php and add an event on top and bottom of file as showed below.
{!! view_render_event('marketplace.seller.account.products.edit.videos.before', ['product' => $product]) !!}
{!! view_render_event('marketplace.seller.account.products.edit.videos.after', ['product' => $product]) !!}
Now come to booking module and open EventServiceProvider.php and add a listener here.
Event::listen('marketplace.seller.account.products.edit.videos.after', static function (ViewRenderEventManager $viewRenderEventManager) {
if (View::exists('booking::mp-seller.catalog.products.edit.types.booking')) {
Make a new folder under BookingProduct/src/Resources/views folder with name mp-seller and copy all files from admin folder inside it.
Update all the translation for different files and component names.
Enable booking product option from admin account for seller and you will able to create booking products.