upgrade guide 2.1x-dev to 2.2.2
hi regards cant pass guide how to upgrade system bagisto 2.1.x-dev to 2.2.2? documentation is really confused when file need replaced
im need upgrade to deploy into producto this my live url
what is step need connect branch remote and pull? or replaced file to go bagisto 2.2.2
im trying use composer update but no working
cant guide me to correct upgrade im readUPGRADE.md
into git tag 2.2.2 but not showing any problems fixed on new version 2.2.2 and 2.1.x have -
@haseebkamboh one way to find button open from inspect browser and copy class and find on folder this stay one stay on cart section dragwable
@Rishabh-Webkul any tips when 2.1.x to 2.2.2 have a lot change this guide
not have 2.2.0 hacve change UI , fix filter and elasticSearch -
Hello @alexVillalobos
Yes, because from v2.1.0 to v2.20 contains many changes in the functionalities and UI, we have implemented many features in the latest version.
So, we have created UPGRADE.MD (https://github.com/bagisto/bagisto/blob/v2.2.0/UPGRADE.md) file where we mentioned all the method names changed to the latest version.
This file helps you out to Upgrading To v2.2.0 From v2.1.0
Thanks & Regards
@alexVillalobos Hi Alex, I'm not asking for the checkout button. I'm letting you know that I checked your website https://olalamodaydetalles.com to compare it to mine, and at that time I noticed that you didn't have a checkout button.
@haseebkamboh not problem im comment this section dont used on mi case
@Rishabh-Webkul best way to upgrade app bagisto is
1.- download lastet version
2.- put bd credentials
3.- copy storage/publicwhen have custom theme copy to new bagisto and fix error to migrate this custom theme to new is correct?
Hello @alexVillalobos
Kindly go through the below link regarding same.
Thanks & Regards