Extension "Hide Shop for Guest"
I've installed the extension "hide shop for guest" successfully on my local, but after deploy on web server production it is not working.
I've executed the following commands:
"composer dump-autoload -d bagisto",
"php artisan vendor:publish --force"<- with option 0(zero),
docker-compose down and up -d.
But the option "Hide Shop for guest" does not appear on the administration page (configure option)...
And this extension is not on the table "core_config". But in my local database there are 2 rows of records (at the column "code" there are "hideshopforguest.settings.settings.hide-shop-before-login" and "hideshopforguest.settings.settings.hide-shop-before-login.notification"), and those records does not present on production server database (tabel core_config).
What I can do to solve this issue?
Thank you very much -
You need to add migrate command in your docker file, so when you run the up command for docker then it executes and creates respective tables.
Hello @prateek-webkul ,
I"ve executed the command php artisan cache:config.
Thank you very much