Translation of Form "Create Product"
I am trying to translate the "create new products form" on the administrative side of system.
The address is http://localhost/admin/catalog/products/edit/xx
I used to translate the terms on the yyyy/src/Resources/lang/ja/app.php file (Japanese in my case). But I do not find it to translate the form mentioned before.
Could you help me to find it, please? -
Hi @William-Hatanaka
translation of admin end form can be added by locating to the admin package
Packages/admin/src/resources/lang/ja/app.php fileThanks.
Yes I am using the following file to translate it/app/bagisto/packages/Webkul/Admin/src/Resources/lang/ja/app.php
I've cleared the cache, view route...
I've ran the php bagisto/artisan vendor:publish --force to update de modifications...
But the translation not worked!
I've had success to translate only the items below that title of the accordion functionality like the following image::
This items are attributes, so I've had success to translate them using the Attibute session.
Could you help me how to translate the titles, please!
Thank you very much!!! -
Hello there,
Currently we do not provide locale based attribute, if you want this functionality all you need to do is, make attribute and attribute group locale based.
Let me know if you have any further query.
Thanks! -
Hello @shubhwebkul ,
I'd managed to translate the attributes to Japanese but not the titles, they are marked by a red line. How can I translate them?
Hello there,
for now you could directly change attribute group title name from database ( and if you want to make it locale based you could also customize it.Let me know if you have further query.
Thanks! Happy Coding
Hey @shubhwebkul ,
Thank you so much!
I will try your solution. I am sorry to reply to your message so late. -
Hello @shubhwebkul,
I managed to translate the titles that were in the table you indicated (attribute_groups), but in this table, there were no titles: Inventories, Images, Categories, Channels, and Linked Products.
So we need to translate these last 5 titles. Could you tell me where I can do this? -
Hello there,
These labels are coming directly from blade file, you need to change your language from env file or you can directly set static value here