Graphql error 'Duplicate definition cartDetail found when merging'
Hi all,
I've installed GraphQL by following instruction on I've also installed Lighthouse.When I try to launch an Authentication request on my server (both with Postman or graphql-playground) I have the following message: 'Duplicate definition cartDetail found when merging'
I've alo tryed to add Params and Headers:
but I still have the same error
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you in advance!
anyone who installed Graphql?
@wallace did you manage to sort this out? There doesn't seem to be enough help around here
@wallace hey Idk if you've figured it out but the issue was in the schema.graphql file. The documentation says
' put all shop schemas #import /shop//.graphql after #import /promotion/*.graphql this line.'
This is what caused the error. The shop schemas are already imported on the top and then when we do at the bottom, it says that its duplicating. Just remove that line and it works like charm.
Hope this helps