'checkout/onepage.blade.php' this page feel quite complicated for simple customization. Any suggestion to work around it.
There is lot of confusing vue code
@extends('shop::layouts.master') @section('page_title') {{ __('shop::app.checkout.onepage.title') }} @stop @section('content-wrapper') <checkout></checkout> @endsection @push('scripts') @include('shop::checkout.cart.coupon') <script type="text/x-template" id="checkout-template"> <div class="container"> <div id="checkout" class="checkout-process row offset-lg-1 col-lg-11 col-md-12"> <h1 class="col-12">{{ __('velocity::app.checkout.checkout') }}</h1> <div class="col-lg-7 col-md-12"> <div class="step-content information" id="address-section"> @include('shop::checkout.onepage.customer-info') </div> <div class="step-content shipping" id="shipping-section" v-if="showShippingSection"> <shipping-section @onShippingMethodSelected="shippingMethodSelected($event)"> </shipping-section> </div> <div class="step-content payment" v-if="showPaymentSection" id="payment-section"> <payment-section @onPaymentMethodSelected="paymentMethodSelected($event)"> </payment-section> <coupon-component @onApplyCoupon="getOrderSummary" @onRemoveCoupon="getOrderSummary"> </coupon-component> </div> <div class="step-content review" v-if="showSummarySection" id="summary-section"> <review-section :key="reviewComponentKey"> <div slot="summary-section"> <summary-section discount="1" :key="summeryComponentKey" @onApplyCoupon="getOrderSummary" @onRemoveCoupon="getOrderSummary" ></summary-section> </div> <div slot="place-order-btn"> <div class="mb20"> <button type="button" class="theme-btn" @click="placeOrder()" :disabled="!isPlaceOrderEnabled" v-if="selected_payment_method.method != 'paypal_smart_button'" id="checkout-place-order-button"> {{ __('shop::app.checkout.onepage.place-order') }} </button> </div> </div> </review-section> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-4 col-md-12 offset-lg-1 order-summary-container top pt0"> <summary-section :key="summeryComponentKey"></summary-section> <div class="paypal-button-container mt10"></div> </div> </div> </div> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> (() => { var reviewHtml = ''; var paymentHtml = ''; var summaryHtml = ''; var shippingHtml = ''; var paymentMethods = ''; var customerAddress = ''; var shippingMethods = ''; var reviewTemplateRenderFns = []; var paymentTemplateRenderFns = []; var summaryTemplateRenderFns = []; var shippingTemplateRenderFns = []; @auth('customer') @if(auth('customer')->user()->addresses) customerAddress = @json(auth('customer')->user()->addresses); customerAddress.email = "{{ auth('customer')->user()->email }}"; customerAddress.first_name = "{{ auth('customer')->user()->first_name }}"; customerAddress.last_name = "{{ auth('customer')->user()->last_name }}"; @endif @endauth Vue.component('checkout', { template: '#checkout-template', inject: ['$validator'], data: function () { return { allAddress: {}, current_step: 1, completed_step: 0, isCheckPayment: true, is_customer_exist: 0, disable_button: false, reviewComponentKey: 0, summeryComponentKey: 0, showPaymentSection: false, showSummarySection: false, isPlaceOrderEnabled: false, new_billing_address: false, showShippingSection: false, new_shipping_address: false, selected_payment_method: '', selected_shipping_method: '', countries: [], countryStates: [], step_numbers: { 'information': 1, 'shipping': 2, 'payment': 3, 'review': 4 }, address: { billing: { address1: [''], save_as_address: false, use_for_shipping: true, }, shipping: { address1: [''] }, }, } }, created: function () { this.fetchCountries(); this.fetchCountryStates(); this.getOrderSummary(); if (! customerAddress) { this.new_shipping_address = true; this.new_billing_address = true; } else { this.address.billing.first_name = this.address.shipping.first_name = customerAddress.first_name; this.address.billing.last_name = this.address.shipping.last_name = customerAddress.last_name; this.address.billing.email = this.address.shipping.email = customerAddress.email; if (customerAddress.length < 1) { this.new_shipping_address = true; this.new_billing_address = true; } else { this.allAddress = customerAddress; for (let country in this.countries) { for (let code in this.allAddress) { if (this.allAddress[code].country) { if (this.allAddress[code].country == this.countries[country].code) { this.allAddress[code]['country'] = this.countries[country].name; } } } } } } }, methods: { navigateToStep: function (step) { if (step <= this.completed_step) { this.current_step = step this.completed_step = step - 1; } }, fetchCountries: function () { let countriesEndPoint = `${this.$root.baseUrl}/api/countries?pagination=0`; this.$http.get(countriesEndPoint) .then(response => { this.countries = response.data.data; }) .catch(function (error) {}); }, fetchCountryStates: function () { let countryStateEndPoint = `${this.$root.baseUrl}/api/country-states?pagination=0`; this.$http.get(countryStateEndPoint) .then(response => { this.countryStates = response.data.data; }) .catch(function (error) {}); }, haveStates: function (addressType) { if (this.countryStates[this.address[addressType].country] && this.countryStates[this.address[addressType].country].length) return true; return false; }, validateForm: async function (scope) { var isManualValidationFail = false; if (scope == 'address-form') { isManualValidationFail = this.validateAddressForm(); } if (! isManualValidationFail) { await this.$validator.validateAll(scope) .then(result => { if (result) { switch (scope) { case 'address-form': /* loader will activate only when save as address is clicked */ if (this.address.billing.save_as_address) { this.$root.showLoader(); } /* this is outside because save as address also calling for saving the address in the order only */ this.saveAddress(); break; case 'shipping-form': if (this.showShippingSection) { this.$root.showLoader(); this.saveShipping(); break; } case 'payment-form': this.$root.showLoader(); this.savePayment(); this.isPlaceOrderEnabled = ! this.validateAddressForm(); break; default: break; } } else { this.isPlaceOrderEnabled = false; } }); } else { this.isPlaceOrderEnabled = false; } }, validateAddressForm: function () { var isManualValidationFail = false; let form = $(document).find('form[data-vv-scope=address-form]'); // validate that if all the field contains some value if (form) { form.find(':input').each((index, element) => { let value = $(element).val(); let elementId = element.id; if (value == "" && element.id != 'sign-btn' && element.id != 'billing[company_name]' && element.id != 'shipping[company_name]' ) { // check for multiple line address if (elementId.match('billing_address_') || elementId.match('shipping_address_') ) { // only first line address is required if (elementId == 'billing_address_0' || elementId == 'shipping_address_0' ) { isManualValidationFail = true; } } else { isManualValidationFail = true; } } }); } // validate that if customer wants to use different shipping address if (! this.address.billing.use_for_shipping) { if (! this.address.shipping.address_id && ! this.new_shipping_address) { isManualValidationFail = true; } } return isManualValidationFail; }, isCustomerExist: function() { this.$validator.attach('address-form.billing[email]', 'required|email'); this.$validator.validate('address-form.billing[email]', this.address.billing.email) .then(isValid => { if (! isValid) return; this.$http.post("{{ route('customer.checkout.exist') }}", {email: this.address.billing.email}) .then(response => { this.is_customer_exist = response.data ? 1 : 0; console.log(this.is_customer_exist); if (response.data) this.$root.hideLoader(); }) .catch(function (error) {}) }) .catch(error => {}) }, loginCustomer: function () { this.$http.post("{{ route('customer.checkout.login') }}", { email: this.address.billing.email, password: this.address.billing.password }) .then(response => { if (response.data.success) { window.location.href = "{{ route('shop.checkout.onepage.index') }}"; } else { window.showAlert(`alert-danger`, this.__('shop.general.alert.danger'), response.data.error); } }) .catch(function (error) {}) }, getOrderSummary: function () { this.$http.get("{{ route('shop.checkout.summary') }}") .then(response => { summaryHtml = Vue.compile(response.data.html) this.summeryComponentKey++; this.reviewComponentKey++; }) .catch(function (error) {}) }, saveAddress: async function () { this.disable_button = true; if (this.allAddress.length > 0) { let address = this.allAddress.forEach(address => { if (address.id == this.address.billing.address_id) { this.address.billing.address1 = [address.address1]; if (address.email) { this.address.billing.email = address.email; } if (address.first_name) { this.address.billing.first_name = address.first_name; } if (address.last_name) { this.address.billing.last_name = address.last_name; } } if (address.id == this.address.shipping.address_id) { this.address.shipping.address1 = [address.address1]; if (address.email) { this.address.shipping.email = address.email; } if (address.first_name) { this.address.shipping.first_name = address.first_name; } if (address.last_name) { this.address.shipping.last_name = address.last_name; } } }); } this.$http.post("{{ route('shop.checkout.save-address') }}", this.address) .then(response => { this.disable_button = false; this.isPlaceOrderEnabled = true; if (this.step_numbers[response.data.jump_to_section] == 2) { this.showShippingSection = true; shippingHtml = Vue.compile(response.data.html); } else { paymentHtml = Vue.compile(response.data.html) } this.completed_step = this.step_numbers[response.data.jump_to_section] + 1; this.current_step = this.step_numbers[response.data.jump_to_section]; if (response.data.jump_to_section == "payment") { this.showPaymentSection = true; paymentMethods = response.data.paymentMethods; } shippingMethods = response.data.shippingMethods; this.getOrderSummary(); this.$root.hideLoader(); }) .catch(error => { this.disable_button = false; this.$root.hideLoader(); this.handleErrorResponse(error.response, 'address-form') }) }, saveShipping: async function () { this.disable_button = true; this.$http.post("{{ route('shop.checkout.save-shipping') }}", {'shipping_method': this.selected_shipping_method}) .then(response => { this.$root.hideLoader(); this.disable_button = false; this.showPaymentSection = true; paymentHtml = Vue.compile(response.data.html) this.completed_step = this.step_numbers[response.data.jump_to_section] + 1; this.current_step = this.step_numbers[response.data.jump_to_section]; paymentMethods = response.data.paymentMethods; if (this.selected_payment_method) { this.savePayment(); } this.getOrderSummary(); }) .catch(error => { this.disable_button = false; this.$root.hideLoader(); this.handleErrorResponse(error.response, 'shipping-form') }) }, savePayment: async function () { this.disable_button = true; if (this.isCheckPayment) { this.isCheckPayment = false; this.$http.post("{{ route('shop.checkout.save-payment') }}", {'payment': this.selected_payment_method}) .then(response => { this.isCheckPayment = true; this.disable_button = false; this.showSummarySection = true; this.$root.hideLoader(); reviewHtml = Vue.compile(response.data.html) this.completed_step = this.step_numbers[response.data.jump_to_section] + 1; this.current_step = this.step_numbers[response.data.jump_to_section]; document.body.style.cursor = 'auto'; this.getOrderSummary(); }) .catch(error => { this.disable_button = false; this.$root.hideLoader(); this.handleErrorResponse(error.response, 'payment-form') }); } }, placeOrder: async function () { if (this.isPlaceOrderEnabled) { this.disable_button = false; this.isPlaceOrderEnabled = false; this.$root.showLoader(); this.$http.post("{{ route('shop.checkout.save-order') }}", {'_token': "{{ csrf_token() }}"}) .then(response => { if (response.data.success) { if (response.data.redirect_url) { this.$root.hideLoader(); window.location.href = response.data.redirect_url; } else { this.$root.hideLoader(); window.location.href = "{{ route('shop.checkout.success') }}"; } } }) .catch(error => { this.disable_button = true; this.$root.hideLoader(); window.showAlert(`alert-danger`, this.__('shop.general.alert.danger'), "{{ __('shop::app.common.error') }}"); }) } else { this.disable_button = true; } }, handleErrorResponse: function (response, scope) { if (response.status == 422) { serverErrors = response.data.errors; this.$root.addServerErrors(scope) } else if (response.status == 403) { if (response.data.redirect_url) { window.location.href = response.data.redirect_url; } } }, shippingMethodSelected: function (shippingMethod) { this.selected_shipping_method = shippingMethod; }, paymentMethodSelected: function (paymentMethod) { this.selected_payment_method = paymentMethod; }, newBillingAddress: function () { this.new_billing_address = true; this.isPlaceOrderEnabled = false; this.address.billing.address_id = null; }, newShippingAddress: function () { this.new_shipping_address = true; this.isPlaceOrderEnabled = false; this.address.shipping.address_id = null; }, backToSavedBillingAddress: function () { this.new_billing_address = false; this.validateFormAfterAction() }, backToSavedShippingAddress: function () { this.new_shipping_address = false; this.validateFormAfterAction() }, validateFormAfterAction: function () { setTimeout(() => { this.validateForm('address-form'); }, 0); } } }); Vue.component('shipping-section', { inject: ['$validator'], data: function () { return { templateRender: null, selected_shipping_method: '', first_iteration : true, } }, staticRenderFns: shippingTemplateRenderFns, mounted: function () { this.templateRender = shippingHtml.render; for (var i in shippingHtml.staticRenderFns) { shippingTemplateRenderFns.push(shippingHtml.staticRenderFns[i]); } eventBus.$emit('after-checkout-shipping-section-added'); }, render: function (h) { return h('div', [ (this.templateRender ? this.templateRender() : '') ]); }, methods: { methodSelected: function () { this.$parent.validateForm('shipping-form'); this.$emit('onShippingMethodSelected', this.selected_shipping_method) eventBus.$emit('after-shipping-method-selected', this.selected_shipping_method); } } }) Vue.component('payment-section', { inject: ['$validator'], data: function () { return { templateRender: null, payment: { method: "" }, first_iteration : true, } }, staticRenderFns: paymentTemplateRenderFns, mounted: function () { this.templateRender = paymentHtml.render; for (var i in paymentHtml.staticRenderFns) { paymentTemplateRenderFns.push(paymentHtml.staticRenderFns[i]); } eventBus.$emit('after-checkout-payment-section-added'); }, render: function (h) { return h('div', [ (this.templateRender ? this.templateRender() : '') ]); }, methods: { methodSelected: function () { this.$parent.validateForm('payment-form'); this.$emit('onPaymentMethodSelected', this.payment) eventBus.$emit('after-payment-method-selected', this.payment); } } }) Vue.component('review-section', { data: function () { return { error_message: '', templateRender: null, } }, staticRenderFns: reviewTemplateRenderFns, render: function (h) { return h( 'div', [ this.templateRender ? this.templateRender() : '' ] ); }, mounted: function () { this.templateRender = reviewHtml.render; for (var i in reviewHtml.staticRenderFns) { reviewTemplateRenderFns[i] = reviewHtml.staticRenderFns[i]; } this.$forceUpdate(); } }); Vue.component('summary-section', { inject: ['$validator'], staticRenderFns: summaryTemplateRenderFns, props: { discount: { default: 0, type: [String, Number], } }, data: function () { return { changeCount: 0, coupon_code: null, error_message: null, templateRender: null, couponChanged: false, } }, mounted: function () { this.templateRender = summaryHtml.render; for (var i in summaryHtml.staticRenderFns) { summaryTemplateRenderFns[i] = summaryHtml.staticRenderFns[i]; } this.$forceUpdate(); }, render: function (h) { return h('div', [ (this.templateRender ? this.templateRender() : '') ]); }, methods: { onSubmit: function () { var this_this = this; const emptyCouponErrorText = "Please enter a coupon code"; }, changeCoupon: function () { if (this.couponChanged == true && this.changeCount == 0) { this.changeCount++; this.error_message = null; this.couponChanged = false; } else { this.changeCount = 0; } }, } }); })() </script> @endpush
Hi @prashant2408
Cal you please elaborate?
What exactly you want to do ?