cash on delivery is not working
what issue you are getting while paying using COD? kindly attach the screenshot . -
i just have notification error says something went wrong i do not know why " i can't take screen shot cause the error message too fast "
could you please open the developer tool bar then go to the network section, and check the error when Request send..
you can also check the error log in /storage/logs/laravel.log file -
the debug bar does not show any thing but let me check the log file
sir the error log file does not have any thing about the error
what do you think this may cause the problem
I can't say until the exact error is not displayed. It will be helpful if you could describe the bagisto version and also the theme in which you're getting this issue(velocity or default)?? -
i get this error with both themes (velocity &default)
and bagisto version v1.1.2 -
are you deploying it on live server or localhost? -
live server but also the local server have the same problem
would be great if you could provide you website URL , so that we can check the issue -
any update sir -
i didn't get any error on the checkout while selecting cash on delivery . please check -
it does not working cause i do not have any orders on my dashboard ???????????????????????
go to the .env file and set APP_DEBUG=true so that could be displayed in dev mode. -
@Vaishali-Agarwal ok done