you can achieve this from the store configuration settings inside Admin configuration->catalog->product->store configuration (Here add the number as per your requirement inside per page field)
You need to check this file packages/Webkul/Velocity/src/Resources/views/shop/products/view/attributes.blade.php. In this file, you will see table containing $attribute. You need to add your case.
Hi @lukasyelle - indeed, thanks for your reply ! Earlier today I exchanged email with a fellow developer that seems to have managed to run successfully with postgresql and he promised to share a version in github. If he does I will report back here with the link. Hopefully that's true. Because yes, we also prefer postgresql for large volumes.
thanks for your help !
I have checked the link, where they clearly say that this represents information about an e-commerce related activity that has taken place. So the best place is the admin end. Where you will get all the order ids and related stuff.
It doesn't always give the same results as you can see in the screenshot.
We get "Valuta's" and "Valuta's en Talen"
Screenshot 2020-11-25 at 17.30.15.png