Error on npm install
i got this 2 errors
I am on windows envoirment
When i go in shop module do npm install than try to do npm run dev or npm run watch or prod
i got the above error . i tested same sanario on mac it works fine. i have same node version and npm version in mac as well
Please help me in it
Please replace const { mix } = require("laravel-mix"); to const mix = require("laravel-mix"); in packages/Webkul/Shop/webpack.mix.js file
@Jitendra said in Error on npm install:
const mix = require("laravel-mix")
Thanks its working. i am using the master branch download from git now i get this table errors CMS manager
Please run php artisian migrate command
Also replacing the const file i got this error on mac i dont change any thing in scss
Hi @wasiqaftab
Download latest version or take pull from our repository ( ). this issue has been fixed & we are checking second one.
Thanks alot. Waiting for the second solution
ok thanks let me check
HI thanks its working
A Quick question in you demo configuarable products have color and size. in live demo for color it shows color but what i get it from repo it just show dropdown. do i need to do some settings for that and where i can see that settings? any document for that or can you please guide me
Thanks i have sorted the issue for color swatchs. can you tell me is there any option for breadcrum so i can enable it
any update on breadcrum function
Hi @wasiqaftab
We have not implemented breadcrum in bagisto.If you have need of it then you need to implement it.
@rahul thanks for the update i will do that what will you recommend any package or i make my custom
- 11 days later
i have purchased the multivendor plugin i have few issues.
- When i post a product from admin section i cant see it in product sections