Coupon Code is coming Different in Cart Items
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"sku" => "100011"
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"name" => "PIERCER"
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"_token" => "8lc6wvhtIzM1NWUnEv94wfR0078Msh9TLL2RZXEk"
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"description" => "<p><span style="color: #56514f; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; background-color: #f4f4f2;">The piercer is one of the rarest techniques for opening the head of a cigar. Almost any pointy, sanitary instrument will do the job - including the back of a wooden match stick. The objective is to pierce the cigar cap one or more times so the cigar will draw. The drawback of using such a small opening is that tar, nicotine and moisture can accumulate at the openings and effect the flavor of the cigar. The benefit of the piercer is that it can be preferred by people who like to smoke their cigars more slowly and draw less smoke. In addition, some very enthusiastic smokers have been known to skewer their </span><a style="color: #1799cf; outline: none; text-decoration-line: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; background-color: #f4f4f2;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">nub</a><span style="color: #56514f; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; background-color: #f4f4f2;"> and use the piercer as a handle.</span></p>"
"name" => "PIERCER"
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"updated_at" => "2022-08-23T17:37:24.000000Z"
"parent_id" => null
"attribute_family_id" => 1
"status" => 1
"strength" => ""
"line" => "Neanderthal"
"line_extension" => ""
"nick_name" => ""
"vitola" => "HN"
"ring_gauge" => "56"
"parejo_figurado" => "Figurado"
"box_pressed_round" => "Round"
"head" => "Flat"
"foot" => "Tapered Foot"
"countries" => "Nicaragua"
"factories" => "Fabrica de Tabacos NicaSueño S.A."
"box_count" => "50"
"wrapper_country" => "Mexico"
"wrapper_region" => "San Andres"
"wrapper_seed" => ""
"wrapper_priming" => ""
"binder_country" => "United States of America"
"binder_region" => "Connecticut River Valley"
"binder_seed" => "Connecticut Broadleaf"
"binder_priming" => ""
"filler_country" => "Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, United States of America"
"filler_region" => "Pennsylvania"
"filler_seed" => "Green River One Sucker"
"filler_priming" => ""
"product_brand" => "Neanderthal"
"product_size" => "5.00"
"wrapper_color" => "Maduro"
"brand_url" => ""
"line_url" => ""
"flavor" => ""
"manufacture_date" => ""
"line_extension_url" => ""
"nick_name_url" => ""
"vitola_url" => ""
"wrapper_color_url" => ""
"short_description" => "<p>Vitola - HN, Ring Gauge - 56, Figurado</p>"
"description" => ""
"name" => "Neanderthal Neanderthal HN"
"url_key" => "1654578314"
"tax_category_id" => 1
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"id" => 1
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"name" => "Cigar"
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]In my admin panel "big" and "test" both are valid coupons .But I am Appling "big" in that case. In my cart the coupon code coming "big" but Cart #items coupon_code is coming "test" . I dont why this is happening ? please help me out.
Hello there,
Are you facing this issue in latest version of bagisto?