Products and Users images lost
Hello Everyone,
I did run a command php artisan queue:work and all images are lost. There was no any queue action which can delete product images but some product creation queues were there.
I have tried following commands:
cd storage
unlink storage
cd ..
php artisan storage:link
sudo chmod -R 777 storage
sudo chmod -R 775 public
php artisan cache:clear
php artisan config:clear
php artisan view:clear
php artisan route:clear
php artisan vendor:publish --forceNot sure what happened.
Please help me.
Thank you
Hello @marshalbagisto
Kindly let us know that before running a command images are present there.?
Also, check your APP_URL inside the .env file. Make sure the path is properly executed.
Additionally, the php artisan queue:work command in Laravel is used to process jobs that are pushed onto a queue when you use Laravel queue system, jobs such as sending emails.
Thanks & Regards
@Rishabh-Webkul Yes, images were there before.
But nevermind, I take a pull from my git and everything is working fine. Thanks for all your help sir. -