Is it possible to integrate Razorpay Payment Gateway in Bagisto E-Commerce?
Hi @Pankaj,
I didn't integrate razorpay Payment Gateway because I am getting error at the time of redirection. So, I have integrated Instamojo Payment Gateway.
okk @Keerthi
Thanks for reply
Hi @Pankaj,
Have you integrated Razorpay Payment Gateway in bagisto e-commerce?
I am getting error like "404 page not found" with live mode of razorpay URL at the time of redirecting to the payment gateway. Can anyone please suggest me, thank you
Hi @Keerthi
Kindly check your redirection URL at time of checkout whether it is right or wrong & make sure that you are redirecting to your redirection(Where Razorpay URL is mentioned) page after click Place order button.
Hi @Keerthi
yes i have integrated Razorpay payment gateway by creating new package
Hi @Keerthi , can you tell me you have integrated razorpay payment gateway integration. i have done same steps what ever you have done. i have cloned paypal package and every where renamed it with razor pay its not showing any error but razorpay option is not coming on checkout page

Hi jitendra,
i have added razorpay payment gateway but here the error is comming after selecting the razorpay payment can not call to the constructor, if i m removing the
line of parent::__construct(); then again error is comming like
Undefined property: Webkul\Razorpay\Http\Controllers\StandardController::$loadplease help me.
Hi pankaj can you tell me how to integrate razorpay payment gateway in the bagisto, i m getting a error when our page is redirecting on payment page after selecting razor pay,
i m sharing you screen shot then you can better understand
Please help me,
Thanks -
Try to to check what you are getting in the post to do so, write dd(request()->all()); in your code.
@Pankaj will it be possible to share the steps you have followed to achieve the RazorPay integration. I went thru various posts on this topic and it seems one has to jump thru multiple hoops and still chances on success might be distant. Docs are also not very helpful most of the time.
It will be helpful to have a working example published.
for razorpay you can use this It currently support manual checkout process.