Illuminate \ Contracts \ Container \ BindingResolutionException Target class [encrypter] does not exist. Previous exceptions Class encrypter does not exist (-1)
@Vaishali-Agarwal said in Illuminate \ Contracts \ Container \ BindingResolutionException Target class [encrypter] does not exist. Previous exceptions Class encrypter does not exist (-1):
Hi @shanavas
first disable the Razorpay module from the config/app.php under providers then run
composer dump-autoload;
php artisan key:generate;
php artisan config:cacheThanks
Hi @shanavas
- remove the item from cart then again add an item to the cart
- Open network developer toolbar on console before process to the checkout page
Let me know if their is any Error comes while checkout
open the error in network tab, and view response -
issue solved. Duplicate entry of unique key in cart_shipping_rates table . Thank you
Great! -
While click on razopray payment button, showing something wrong try again late
I added one razorpay button. How to avoid redirect option to sandbox. I would like to popup in the same page of razorpay. Paypal button is redirecting to razorpay controller. How to fix this issue
If you want popup in the same page then you have to add your js ,
Create a blade file
put this code into it
eventBus.$on('after-checkout-payment-section-added', function() {
$(document).ready(function() {
// your code here
This post is deleted! -
How to clear cache in server cpanel ?
go to the terminal, hit on project root directory then run php artisan config:cache -
I am using shared server. They have not allowed to access terminal. How can I clear the cache in source code ? Please give me a reply an urgent basis
for now their is no other way to clear have to ask your hosting provider to allow terminal access then you can clear your project cache. -
window.location.href = {{ route('shop.checkout.success') }}; ErrorException (E_ERROR) htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, object given (View:
How to fix this issue - Urgent Help
How did you get this error?
Please describe me more -
In checkout razorpay page, blade file I added some jqery for the payment submission. After submission we will get success or failure message in javascript of the blade file. I try to redirect from blade file in jquery. Then
I got this error -
you have to pass the string, you are sending object as a parameter.
window.location.href = {{ route('shop.checkout.success') }} can you help me to correct this - how to modify this as string parameter. I am facing the same issue again and again... I need to redirect location in js