Impossible to create the root directory at product image upload
Hi @Javoke
Please follow this one -
and if unable to solve using above, try below -
run -
chown -R www-data:root .in the root of directory.
Hi, @rahul
I tried to this solution from github, it helped at first but doesn't work when I'm adding an image.
Tried your command , it returned another errorhad to change back : $ sudo chown -R (user): .
Any other ideas, or I did something wrong? -
First run this command -
chmod -R 777 ./storage
then run
chown -R www-data:root .
Thanks @rahul, but the problem is still remaining.
Hi @ppstech
Please run following -
From root of your project -
cd public unlink storage
From Root of Your Project
php artisan storage:link