Broken Image & Logo in Bagisto with causes and solutions?
@Vaishali-Agarwal They pay for the support?
please raise the ticket, we will guide you for this issue, there is no charges for guidance.Thanks
I too still have this problem in my website
category image not probably uploading image and not showing the imagePlease help me
Thanks in Advance
have you added correct app_url in .env and run php artisan storage:link ?? -
This post is deleted! -
Hi @Marcelle
please go through with this solution
I follow everything but it isn't working at all
what error you're facing currently please show.. -
logo not showing up for both shop and admin -
please go to the .env and check that app_url should be valid.
once this is done then run the below commands from the project root directory:php artisan config:cache
php artisan storage:link -
Thank you @Vaishali-Agarwal it working now
@Vaishali-Agarwal i am facing this problem when running your last commands
symlink(): No such file or directory -
run the below command from the root directory:
cd public
rm storage
After removing the symbolic link change directory to the main folder using:cd ..
Now create the symbolic link with the following command:
php artisan storage:link
After running the command successfully, you should get the following messageThe [public/storage] directory has been linked.
I hope this helps you. -
I cant add my own logo instead of velocity logo. I have added an image from the admin panel but it is always shown as a broken image.
I have removed/linked/unlinked few times the public storage changed the .env and cached and still no success. I am in dev env and and i have APP_URL=
Please, advise -
does the logo visible on the frontend? -
This post is deleted! -
the logo not visible on frontend and inside the admin dashboard after it saves. Also encountering the same issue. cleared cache, config, linked and unlinked... but it's still the same.
may i know your APP_URL set inside .env -
Here i am facing the problem images are not loading
By adding custom module at composer.json
"Webkul\Razorpay\": "packages/Webkul/Razorpay/src"
Images are not loading
If i remove that module it's working
Please provide the solution -
while adding package are you using php artisan vendor:publish --force command ?