Class Webkul\Product\Helpers\Price does not exist
Just pull the latest from master in bagisto,
P.S. i pull from the master because i need the locale category to work
and then i got this message after i add a product
what should i do with this?
here is the required file
copy it to file named Price.php<?php
namespace Webkul\Product\Helpers;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Webkul\Product\Models\Product;
use Webkul\Product\Models\ProductFlat;
use Webkul\Customer\Repositories\CustomerGroupRepository;
use Webkul\CatalogRule\Repositories\CatalogRuleProductPriceRepository;
use Webkul\CatalogRule\Helpers\CatalogRuleProductPrice;class Price extends AbstractProduct
* CustomerGroupRepository object
protected $customerGroupRepository;/** * CatalogRuleProductPrice object */ protected $catalogRuleProductPriceHelper; /** * Create a new helper instance. * * @param Webkul\Customer\Repositories\CustomerGroupRepository $customerGroupRepository * @param Webkul\CatalogRule\Repositories\CatalogRuleProductPriceRepository $catalogRuleProductPriceRepository * @param Webkul\CatalogRule\Repositories\CatalogRuleProductPrice $catalogRuleProductPriceHelper * @return void */ public function __construct( CustomerGroupRepository $customerGroupRepository, CatalogRuleProductPriceRepository $catalogRuleProductPriceRepository, CatalogRuleProductPrice $catalogRuleProductPriceHelper ) { $this->customerGroupRepository = $customerGroupRepository; $this->catalogRuleProductPriceRepository = $catalogRuleProductPriceRepository; $this->catalogRuleProductPriceHelper = $catalogRuleProductPriceHelper; } /** * Returns the product's minimal price * * @param Product $product * @return float */ public function getMinimalPrice($product) { static $price = []; if(array_key_exists($product->id, $price)) return $price[$product->id]; if ($product->type == 'configurable') { return $price[$product->id] = $this->getVariantMinPrice($product); } else { if ($this->haveSpecialPrice($product)) return $price[$product->id] = $product->special_price; return $price[$product->id] = $product->price; } } /** * Returns the product's minimal price * * @param Product $product * @return float */ public function getVariantMinPrice($product) { static $price = []; $finalPrice = []; if (array_key_exists($product->id, $price)) return $price[$product->id]; if ($product instanceof ProductFlat) { $productId = $product->product_id; } else { $productId = $product->id; } $qb = ProductFlat::join('products', 'product_flat.product_id', '=', '') ->where('products.parent_id', $productId); $result = $qb ->distinct() ->selectRaw('IF( product_flat.special_price_from IS NOT NULL AND product_flat.special_price_to IS NOT NULL , IF( NOW( ) >= product_flat.special_price_from AND NOW( ) <= product_flat.special_price_to, IF( product_flat.special_price IS NULL OR product_flat.special_price = 0 , product_flat.price, LEAST( product_flat.special_price, product_flat.price ) ) , product_flat.price ) , IF( product_flat.special_price_from IS NULL , IF( product_flat.special_price_to IS NULL , IF( product_flat.special_price IS NULL OR product_flat.special_price = 0 , product_flat.price, LEAST( product_flat.special_price, product_flat.price ) ) , IF( NOW( ) <= product_flat.special_price_to, IF( product_flat.special_price IS NULL OR product_flat.special_price = 0 , product_flat.price, LEAST( product_flat.special_price, product_flat.price ) ) , product_flat.price ) ) , IF( product_flat.special_price_to IS NULL , IF( NOW( ) >= product_flat.special_price_from, IF( product_flat.special_price IS NULL OR product_flat.special_price = 0 , product_flat.price, LEAST( product_flat.special_price, product_flat.price ) ) , product_flat.price ) , product_flat.price ) ) ) AS final_price') ->where('', core()->getCurrentChannelCode()) ->where('product_flat.locale', app()->getLocale()) ->get(); foreach ($result as $price) { $finalPrice[] = $price->final_price; } $rulePrice = null; if (request()->route()->getPrefix() != 'admin/catalog') { $rulePrice = $this->catalogRuleProductPriceRepository->scopeQuery(function($query) use($product) { return $query->selectRaw('min(price) as price') ->whereIn('product_id', $product->variants()->pluck('product_id')->toArray()) ->where('channel_id', core()->getCurrentChannel()->id) ->where('customer_group_id', $this->getCurrentCustomerGroupId()) ->where('rule_date', Carbon::now()->format('Y-m-d')); })->first(); } if (empty($finalPrice) && ! $rulePrice) return $price[$productId] = 0; if ($rulePrice && $rulePrice->price && min($finalPrice) > $rulePrice->price) return $price[$productId] = $rulePrice->price; return $price[$productId] = min($finalPrice); } /** * Returns the product's minimal price * * @param Product $product * @return float */ public function getSpecialPrice($product) { static $price = []; if(array_key_exists($product->id, $price)) return $price[$product->id]; if ($this->haveSpecialPrice($product)) { return $price[$product->id] = $product->special_price; } else { return $price[$product->id] = $product->price; } } /** * @param Product $product * @return boolean */ public function haveSpecialPrice($product) { if ($product instanceof ProductFlat) { $rulePrice = $this->catalogRuleProductPriceHelper->getRulePrice($product->product); } else { $rulePrice = $this->catalogRuleProductPriceHelper->getRulePrice($product); } if ((is_null($product->special_price) || ! (float) $product->special_price) && ! $rulePrice) return false; if (! (float) $product->special_price) { if ($rulePrice) { $product->special_price = $rulePrice->price; return true; } } else { if ($rulePrice && $rulePrice->price <= $product->special_price) { $product->special_price = $rulePrice->price; return true; } else { if (core()->isChannelDateInInterval($product->special_price_from, $product->special_price_to)) return true; } } return false; } /** * Returns current customer group id * * @return integer|null */ public function getCurrentCustomerGroupId() { $guard = request()->has('token') ? 'api' : 'customer'; if (auth()->guard($guard)->check()) { $customerGroupId = auth()->guard($guard)->user()->customer_group_id; } else { $customerGroupId = $this->customerGroupRepository->findOneByField('code', 'guest')->id; } return $customerGroupId; }
I added the price file just like you said earlier put I kept getting this error.
Note that these errors started showing only after I installed the PWA package.
Thanks in advance -
Hi @MHD-Yasser
if you have this issue after installing the PWA package then you may raise your support ticket here;