How to retrieve image along with category name
Hi everyone,
Can anyone help me how to retrieve category image along with category name in root page, because I don't know vue js. Please If anyone can send me how to retrieve image dynamically. Thank You.
I know the category name came from below code, so similarly I need to display image also. (folder path: packages/Webkul/Shop/src/Resources/views/layouts/header/nav-menu/navmenu.blade.php)
<li style="height:200px">
<a :href="url+'/categories/'+this.item['translations'][0].slug">
@{{ name }}
</i> -
Please find the below code of navmenu.blade.php (folder path: packages/Webkul/Shop/src/Resources/views/layouts/header/nav-menu/navmenu.blade.php)
& replace with it old 'navmenu.blade.php' and you will get image along with category.
{!! view_render_event('') !!} <?php $categories = []; foreach (app('Webkul\Category\Repositories\CategoryRepository')->getVisibleCategoryTree(core()->getCurrentChannel()->root_category_id) as $category) { if ($category->slug) array_push($categories, $category); } ?> <category-nav categories='@json($categories)' url="{{url()->to('/')}}"></category-nav> {!! view_render_event('') !!} @push('scripts') <script type="text/x-template" id="category-nav-template"> <ul class="nav"> <category-item v-for="(item, index) in items" :key="index" :url="url" :item="item" :parent="index"> </category-item> </ul> </script> <script> Vue.component('category-nav', { template: '#category-nav-template', props: { categories: { type: [Array, String, Object], required: false, default: (function () { return []; }) }, url: String }, data: function(){ return { items_count:0 }; }, computed: { items: function() { return JSON.parse(this.categories) } }, }); </script> <script type="text/x-template" id="category-item-template"> <li> <a :href="url+'/categories/'+this.item['translations'][0].slug"> @{{ name }}  <i class="icon dropdown-right-icon" v-if="haveChildren && item.parent_id != null"></i> <img :src="url+'/storage/'+image" style="height: 20px; width: 20px"> </a> <i :class="[show ? 'icon icon-arrow-down mt-15' : 'icon dropdown-right-icon left mt-15']" v-if="haveChildren" @click="showOrHide"></i> <ul v-if="haveChildren && show"> <category-item v-for="(child, index) in item.children" :key="index" :url="url" :item="child"> </category-item> </ul> </li> </script> <script> Vue.component('category-item', { template: '#category-item-template', props: { item: Object, url: String, }, data: function() { return { items_count:0, show: false, }; }, mounted: function() { if(window.innerWidth > 770){ = true; } }, computed: { haveChildren: function() { return this.item.children.length ? true : false; }, name: function() { if (this.item.translations && this.item.translations.length) { this.item.translations.forEach(function(translation) { if (translation.locale == document.documentElement.lang) return; }); } return; }, image: function() { return this.item.image; } }, methods: { showOrHide: function() { = !; } } }); </script> @endpush
It shows empty image. Please find below is the screen shot.![alt text]( -
I got the solution, Thank You So Much........! see below