(Admin) Custom Drop-down filter add on order table
We wants to add a status drop-down on order table. That drop down container order status. When use filtered by status, they get status list for select (not type any thing)
But status dropdown is already there in the filter.
Hi @pasha,
For this, you need to override the data grid files,
https://github.com/bagisto/bagisto/blob/e0248e56418dd4a4e2402d5ce1aae7f9c79a6326/packages/Webkul/Ui/src/Resources/views/datagrid/table.blade.php#L124 -
@ghermans Thanks, exactly i want's that
@devansh-webkul can you give any hints or tutorial to do this. That was a great help, Thanks
Well, there is no tutorial because you are customizing this.
If you don't know then you can change in the existing package but make sure you are familiar with Laravel and Bagisto updates so that you can at least manually resolve the conflicts if some updates come.