Bagisto 1.4.0 Released
#5654 -Only unread notification should be shown in the notification modal box.
#4787 - Unable to upload profile picture
#4653 - Making billing address informations optional
#4356 - Guest Checkout sucess add register
#5921 -Notification should be received without page refresh.
#5817 -The wishlist and the compare option should be inside the account section
#5671 -By default the first submenu should be open, when the admin is clicking on any tab
#5537 -New admin theme - RTL menu
#5525 -Send a duplicate of the invoice to the customer
#5490 -The address should be horizontal format
#5404 -The Add image button should not be present when the user is trying to edit the profile
#5396 -The currency icon should be shown properly
#5395 -The user panel should be responsive on phone-view
#5384 -There should be a confirmation alert before deleting all items from Wishlist and Compare
#5300 -Suspend customers
#5292 -Some data grids are missing ProvideDataGridPlus trait
#5267 -Send reminders for overdue invoices
#5219 -Issue in multi select data in every datagrid
#5165 -Write All Factories In Laravel 8 Pattern
#5158 -Breadcrumb Feature
#5143 -Rest API Enhancement In Sanctum
#5064 -Multi factor authentication
#4834 -Requesting to load attributes via ajax
#4772 -Ability to drag product image to reorder them in bagisto admin dashboard
#4653 -Making billing address informations optional
#2918 -Overview of sold booking products in Admin panel
#2009 -Using AWS S3 for storage
#1243 -Implement a feature to share Wishlist
#5968 -The wishlist and compare option should not be in multiple times
#1238 -Give configuration for converting textarea to wysiwyg editor or not for browser compatibility.
Bug Fixes
#6019 -There should not any UI issue if the admin is trying to update products by mass action.
#6010 -There should not be any UI issue when the user is trying to write a review for the product in mobile view.
#6008 -There is a UI issue on the Bills theme when the user is trying to log in.
#6006 -There is a UI issue if the admin is trying to update products by mass action.
#5995 -The filters should work properly. if the user is trying to filter the products by the color filter
#5985 -There should be a warning message on the checkout page, for the required field if the user is clicking outside of the required input field
#5980 - There is a UI issue if the user is trying to filter products by category
#5966 - The product quantity should be visible on the cart page
#5965 - Maximum Password length is 18 characters in velocity theme, which is way too short to be secure
#5941 - UI Issue at the Profile Section -> Empty space below address
#5939 - The selected date and time should be visible if the admin trying to add Tickets for a booking product
#5938 - There is a UI issue on forget password page
#5932 - There should not be any extra space on the product view page
#5931 - The product must be added to the wishlist which the user wants to add
#5929 - The notification text should be clickable
#5926 - There is a UI in the header section on mobile view
#5919 - There is a UI issue on the orders page
#5915 - There is a translation issue in notification pages.
#5913 - The user is able to edit the product without permission for the same
#5908 - The Success message should be according to the selected locale
#5907 - There is a UI issue on the checkout page
#5904 - There is a UI issue on the Tax Rates page
#5903 - There is a UI issue on the notification page
#5899 - The text color of the count should be white in mobile view
#5898 - The success/warning messages should be shown properly
#5885 - There are many translation issues on the Arabic locale
#5865 - There is a translation issue when the admin is trying to create a product.
#5855 - The categories name should be shown in all locales
#5841 - There is a translation issue on the Notification page.
#5839 - There should not be any UI issue while adding the product.
#5830 - There should be no exception if the user is trying to log in
#5828 - The Channel filter is not working properly on the product list page.
#5820 - The user is not able to update the review by mass action.
#5809 - Ui issue when admin try to click on search order in notification in mobile view
#5808 - proper allignment of images when admin try to upload in arabic language
#5805 - Navigation alligment when we try to edit checkbox and select attribute in mobile view
#5804 - When I create product bullets in the edit I am experienced those UL get dropped and they are left out in the customer view
#5803 - Alligment issue when we make a configurable product in delete and edit button.
#5802 - Ui issue comes when we click on add link in downloadable product
#5799 - Ui issues in arabic language when we try to add booking product.
#5797 - There should be proper space when customer is try to add address.
#5791 - There should be gab between edit and delete option in addresss page in velocity.
#5790 - Issue in orders page in velocity in arabic language
#5789 - Alligment should be done properly in arabic in wishlist page
#5788 - When we are try to delete the sliders wrong notifications show
#5785 - Calender icon is not properly visible in arabic
#5778 - issue in arbaic language of alligment in mobile view
#5775 - translations not working in navigation in admin panel
#5774 - Admin - Address index view not found
#5772 - issue in french lanugage in navigation bar
#5770 - Layout shifting in admin ui
#5768 - Zoomlens in product page overlap sidebar category menu
#5764 - not able to select options in LTR ENGLISH
#5762 - not able to add slider images in velocity theme
#5761 - email spelling wrong in notifications emails
#5755 - there should be a space between update quantities in mobile view in admin panel
#5754 - not get any mail when we make new intventory sources in admin panel
#5752 - in mobile view wishlist option is not there in checkout page
#5746 - update button alligment should done in velocity theme.
#5736 - remove button should be with wishlist in mobile view in simple product
#5735 - alligment should be done proper in velocity in mobile view of remove icon
#5730 - there is an option to increase quanity when user is try to booked product in both themes.
#5729 - ui issue when we are try to book only booking product in bliss theme in checkout page (mobile view ).
#5728 - user is not able to update quanity in checkout cart page in veloicity theme
#5727 - ui issue when guest is place an order (mobile view ) in velocity
#5722 - when we disable status paypal from admin panel it show error in console
#5719 - ui issue when we try to make booking product in admin panel in mobile view
#5718 - alligment issue in blisss theme in downloadable product section (mobile view)
#5717 - ui issue in admin panel when we try to edit cms pages (mobile view )
#5709 - Wrong error messages when uploading video
#5708 - proper alligment should be done in order page (mobile view)
#5707 - ui issue in configuration part of admin (mobile view)
#5706 - there should be an option of wishlist button in blisss theme in front panel
#5705 - ui issue in compare similar items in compare page (mobile view)
#5704 - alligment issue in velocity theme in mobile view
#5703 - star ratings alligment should be in same line in mobile view
#5696 - dropdown buttons is not working properly in admin panel
#5695 - ui issue when there is only 1 downloadable product in view shopping cart (mobile view)
#5694 - star ratings and reviews alligment should be in same line in blisss theme in mobile view
#5687 - there should be no option for downloadable product for increasing the quanity in velocity theme
#5684 - reimporting exported tax rate csv results in state field missing error
#5670 - user not able to redirect to cms pages in blisss theme
#5663 - The user should be able to download the downloadable product
#5661 - ui issue in customer order view page in blisss theme in mobile view
#5659 - delete button in customer profile should be properly allign (bliss theme) in mobile view
#5657 - proper alligment should be done in bliss theme when we write reviews (mobile view)
#5650 - There is a UI issue in cart page on phone view
#5648 - there should not be any blank space in payment method
#5636 - ui issue when we search any product in bliss theme
#5635 - issue when we click on search icon in blisss theme in mobile view
#5633 - alligment issue after you place an order in mobile view
#5625 - issue in side bar in mobile view when we open any cms pages in velocity
#5624 - in mobile view order id and all other items is not visible when we have not done any order
#5621 - There should not be any UI issue in the user panel.
#5620 - there should be enhacement in button colour so that it should be according to mode
#5619 - images in review is not compatiable in mobile view
#5617 - there should be an enhacement so that languages is not with locale heading
#5616 - there should be dark colour in pending in reviews so that it should be more readable when we changes the mode
#5615 - ui issue in order page in search bar in velocity theme
#5613 - ui issue in customer address edit in admin panel
#5609 - ui issue in catelog in mobile view
#5608 - slider should not overide in catelog rule and cart rule in condition part in mobile view
#5603 - notification box should be mobile compatible
#5602 - ui issue in tax rates in mobile view
#5601 - ui issue in exchange rate in mobile view
#5591 - there is a space between add category button and text box filter in mobile view
#5585 - filters should not attach with heading in category
#5581 - there should be logo of admin in dekstop view like mobile view
#5579 - velocity in list should be left alligment
#5571 - there should be an icon of calender in velocity profile page of customer
#5569 - There should be meaningful data inside the order dropdown
#5556 - Deprecation Warning: Using / for division outside of calc() is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0.
#5555 - darkmode dropdown list
#5552 - there should not be any blank space in attribute family
#5545 - navigation sliders not work properly
#5540 - There is a UI issue in the admin panel
#5539 - The Login user should not be able to update self status.
#5538 - There should not be any translation issue in the notification section
#5531 - there should be not any blank space in gender it may contain select gender
#5529 - when we hover over bell icon tooltip is not showing
#5526 - There are multiple flash messages if we are clicking on the mark as read inside the notification.
#5524 - Dashboard text is not readable when light mode is enabled
#5523 - Notifications dropdown size
#5522 - icons are missing in top right navbar
#5521 - Default logo is not visible
#5516 - The size of the product images should not increase when the user is removing items from compare list
#5513 - Admin package the manifest.php files are missing
#5511 - UI issue in product list page.
#5510 - The counting is not updating automatically when the user is trying to add or remove an item from comparison.
#5505 - maintance mode is not working in admin panel
#5503 - validation not working in inventory page
#5501 - There is a warning message if the user is trying to add the address.
#5497 - If the admin user is changing the permission of other user's then the user should be logging out with a message
#5493 - The page should be redirected to the product-view page if the user is clicking on the product image/name
#5491 - The user should be able to update quantity using the + icon.
#5485 - ui issue in address bar in mobile view
#5484 - The user should be able to add a new address.
#5483 - languages logo is not visible in mobile view
#5478 - alligment not fixed in mobile view in velocity order page
#5474 - The filters should work properly. if the admin is trying to filter the sliders
#5473 - There cart option should not multiple times in the account section.
#5471 - The user should be able to view the modules/plugins menu in mobile view also. if the user adds any module.
#5470 - there should be less spacing in compare section
#5468 - There is a UI issue in Compare Similar Items section
#5466 - text alligment in order page of velocity
#5462 - ui issue when we try to ship wrong quantity products
#5461 - ui issue when we add product in compare.
#5460 - UI issue when we add product in wishlist in blisss theme
#5451 - Possibility to order infinite configurable products (product_ordered_inventories and / or order_items not correctly updated at order)
#5450 - The CMS image should reflect on the shop if the admin is adding any image on CMS
#5445 - There should be a confirmation alert before deleting items from the Wishlist
#5444 - The admin is able to create Invoice/ship orders with 00 quantities.
#5443 - The message should be correct when the admin is trying to delete system attributes
#5440 - There should be an option if the user is trying to enter the product quantity before updating the cart.
#5436 - The discount Amount should be correct in the invoice.
#5435 - There should be a warning message if the user is trying to create an invoice with invalid quantity.
#5430 - ProductFlat getAttribute($key) throws Undefined property if value of $key is NULL in product_flat table
#5429 - php artisan route:list error target class onepagecontroller does not exist (current master branch)
#5428 - There should not be an exception if the admin is trying to refund the order.
#5424 - The item should not move to the wishlist if the user is canceling the action.
#5423 - The user should not be able to edit the record while the input field is giving a warning.
#5409 - The user should be able to view the reviews
#5408 - There should not be any exception if the user is trying to delete their reviews.
#5406 - The user should be able to edit the address.
#5405 - The success message should be correct when the user is adding items to the cart
#5398 - The User should not be able to add the same product to the wishlist multiple times.
#5389 - There should be the proper alignment of filter's
#5381 - Validation required for coupon code
#5377 - There should not be an exception When user is moving a product to a wishlist that is already in wishlist
#5366 - There should be a warning message when the user is applying the same filter again and again.
#5365 - Issue in price filter for configurable type product
#5353 - Shipping::rates protected variable is not cleared on Shipping::removeAllShippingRates()
#5350 - The product price should be correct after exporting to excel.
#5347 - Images are coming out to be same at the cross sell products.
#5342 - admin (RTL) - menu not apears
#5328 - SKU is still visible at the adding new product when it is disabled.
#5325 - Delete profile modal content data visible and then suddenly hide
#5316 - In Front end Order details, Order id is having a lot of space.
#5315 - Quantity issue in product shipment.
#5312 - Issue in sub-category for mobile view
#5311 - Total weight is null in shipment table
#5307 - Flat Rate calculation type in admin configurations
#5305 - Cart Set Shipping API
#5289 - Quantity should be updated on ' Shopping Cart ' page
#5261 - Side filter is getting detached from the category product listing in mobile
#5259 - Responsive issue in user Profile - Velocity
#5233 - Issue if create product for multiple channel
#5232 - App config.php has bad reference to ProductGrid::class
#5226 - Not able to send the products to wishlist from compare page if the product is not on the first position
#5210 - UI Issue in search bar in order section at customer's end.
#5209 - There is no way to access Admin panel if there is only one admin and he try to modify the role of Administrator and allow limited access.
#5208 - UI Issue in bliss theme - Product View Page
#5200 - getting API error after opening categories named category
#5198 - Wrong phpdoc reference in Webkul\Core\Core to CustomerGroupRepository
#5197 - There is no way to log out for 2nd user of Admin if he himself modify his roles and remove some or all privileges.
#5194 - Getting exception when exporting a product from the admin panel
#5191 - Issue is in checkbox type attribute
#5180 - Some code appears in starting when clicking on the any product edit page
#5179 - Cart items get increased when navigating away from the buy now functionality
#5178 - API for customers to cancel order
#5047 - Order status gets complete when shipment is generated in case of pending invoice