how can i solve this issue when installing saascustmoizer
Error message:
Target [Webkul\SAASCustomizer\Contracts\Company] is not instantiable while building [Webkul\SAASCustomizer\Http\Middleware\ValidatesDomain]. {"exception":"[object] (Illuminate\Contracts\Container\BindingResolutionException(code: 0): Target [Webkul\SAASCustomizer\Contracts\Company] is not instantiable while building [Webkul\SAASCustomizer\Http\Middleware\ValidatesDomain]. at public_html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/Container.php:978)
[stacktrace] -
Hi there,
Which version of Bagisto SAAS are you using ? -
Hi there,
Is it possible to share the steps which you followed for installing the Bagisto SAAS? -
1. Introduction:
Bagisto SAAS extension is eCommerce virtual mall, where multiple-vendor can sign-up and create their own e-commerce store with their personalized domain name. SAAS extension will help you in appealing sellers to get registered with your business and use common resources such as Payment gateways, Shipping methods, etc.
Get involved and control your mall by managing commissions directly from single place, control on customer signups, super cool super admin panel to manage sellers, activate/deactivate your sellers from super admin panel too and lots more.
2. Features:
- Easy to Setup and manage SAAS based eCommerce solution.
- Scaling your business is now directly proportional to no. of sellers.
- Separate admin panel for each seller.
- Ability of seller to change domain at will.
- Easily manageable orders.
- Compatible with all product types i.e., simple, configurable.
- Faster updates will bring lots of demanding features.
- Customizable frontend: easily add styles, elements, javascript, etc.
- Supported all product types of Bagisto Framewor i.e Simple, Downloadable, Grouped, Bundle, Configurable, Virtual, and Booking.
- Supported Bagisto Velocity theme.
3. Requirements:
- Bagisto: v1.2.x
4. Note:
this is the steps
this is first step I did to get a project
composer create-project bagisto/bagisto- then extract SAASCustomizer folder from zip folder and paste it in the project as steps show and follow the rest
Hi there
Please followed the given steps for installing the Bagisto Saas extension.
1. Install the Bagisto. [ After completing the mapping process. ]
2. run composer create-project on project root dir
3. Configure database ,APP_URL and email credentials on the .env file
4. Add the bagisto saas extension on your bagisto project
5. Follow the readme of bagisto saas extension. [ Add the service providers. etc..] -
@sanjay-webkul said in how can i solve this issue when installing saascustmoizer:
After completing the mapping process
soory sair what do you mean with After completing the mapping process
I can't understand what is mapping process.
the docs say copy saas extension to bagisto packages and add providers and so on then install saas:install where I get the error
could you please clear the steps from the beginning to understand what you mean?
thanks for reply -
@devsmartivemedia said in how can i solve this issue when installing saascustmoizer:
sair w
Hi there,
Please go through this doc : if still you have any doubt then please let me know.
sir i have to clarify something i try to install project in local environment to begin not production, to test projects locally.
so I follow this steps:
1- run composer create-project bagisto/bagisto.
2- edit .env for database and app URL
3- exctract sass extension SAASCustomizer and copy it inside created project bagisto.
4- Goto config/app.php file then add the following line under ‘providers’
5- Do the below entry in config/app.php “aliases“
'Company' => Webkul\SAASCustomizer\Facades\Company::class
6- Goto config/concord.php and packages/Webkul/Core/src/Config/concord.php
files and add the following line under the ‘modules’ index in both files:
7- Goto composer.json file inside the Bagisto root directory and add the following line under ‘psr-4’
8-Another entry inside file(‘app/Http/Kernel.php’,):
In this file, you can find an array of’ middleware groups’ inside it there is
a key named ‘web’ inside it do an entry:
9- then add gaurd array .......
10 - then composer dump-autoload AND HERE I GOT THE ERRORIlluminate\Foundation\ComposerScripts::postAutoloadDump
@php artisan package:discoverIn Container.php line 1091:
Target [Webkul\SAASCustomizer\Contracts\Company] is not instantiable while
building [Webkul\SAASCustomizer\Company].Script @php artisan package:discover handling the post-autoload-dump event returned with error code 1
You need to map your folder/project directory. for domain and subdomain.
you mean i can't run this project in localhost in development environment, and have to be in real domain and subdomain
@sanjay-webkul hi sir I am waiting for ur response
Hi @devsmartivemedia
You can not run Bagisto SAAS project in the locale system, without map your folder. And In the live server you need to create domain and sub domain for the same.