Razorpay integration in Bagisto
Hi @Pankaj
Did you created route named as 'razorpay.standard.paywithrazorpay' ?
If not, then create this route which calls your controller for redirection.
@rahul said in Razorpay integration in Bagisto:
Yes sir i have created
@rahul said in Razorpay integration in Bagisto:
php artisan route:cache
no sir no effect it also repeating the same issue. if you have the documentation or full module documentation then can you provide me
Thank you in advance -
Hi @Pankaj
Please run following commands -
php artisan config:clear
php artisan cache:clear
php artisan config:cache
php artisan route:cache
composer dump-autoload
php artisan vendor:publishThanks
no sir its same issue not get resolved
@Pankaj how to include script and css and form in payment.blade.php