The last name can only accept alpha, numeric and spaces.
When registering to the form, write "The last name can only accept alpha, numeric and spaces." in Turkish (in letters such as ŞĞÜÖÇ). I'm getting a warning. how can i fix this?
Hi @muhammedozf,
To remove the validation from first name and last name, you can make some changes. Please refer to the following PR for the removal of validation:
Hi @muhammedozf,
To remove the validation from first name and last name, you can make some changes. Please refer to the following PR for the removal of validation:
PR link: -
Hi @muhammedozf,
To remove the validation from first name and last name, you can make some changes. Please refer to the following PR for the removal of validation:
if (! preg_match("~^[a-zA-Z0-9\s'\s\p{Arabic}]{1,60}$~iu", $value)) {
if (! preg_match("~^[a-zA-Z0-9öÖüÜğĞşŞçÇ\s'\s\p{Arabic}]{1,60}$~iu", $value)) {
} -
Hello @muhammedozf
Greetings of the day..!!
This issue of bug report has already been raised and fixed in the master branch.
Thanks & Regards..!!