Changing admin options, ex. hiding up-cells and few attribute options.
Hello everyone,
I want to change a few admin options, ex. Hiding up-cells, cross-sell products and a few attribute options. Can anyone please guide me how to do that so that when I update Bagisto, changes are not going away?
Thank you
Hello @marshalbagisto
To Hide Up Sells, Cross Sells, & Related products go to
packages >> Webkul >> Admin >> src >> Resources >> views >> catalog >> products >> edit >> links.blade.php
and comment the code from line number 148 to line number 163 as shown in the image below.
Thanks & Regards
Thanks for the response. I'm afraid, if I make these changes and in future if I update the Bagisto and its dependencies, would these changes be lost? -
Hello @marshalbagisto
So when you are upgrading your Bagisto version in the future then make sure you simply un-comment the code from the same file while performing the Upgradation.
Thanks & Regards
@Rishabh-Webkul Is there a way to inherit these templates so that the update process goes smoothly? Because hiding cross-cells is a small thing but I have lot more changes and reminding them all would be a big thing.
Hello @marshalbagisto
If you make some changes in the core Bagisto then you need to override the files so that when you are performing Upgradation this won't create any issue at that time.
So to override the view templates files kindly go through the below link.
Thanks & Regards
@Rishabh-Webkul Thank you for the information
@Rishabh-Webkul This worked for me. Thank you.
Does this work for the datagrids too?
If yes, can you please share the syntax, if not, what is the best possible way to change a datagrid.thank you again!