New Payment Method (Mpesa) Not Loaded & Old PayPal Still Showing in Admin Dashboard
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to replace the default PayPal integration in my Bagisto installation with a custom Mpesa STK Push integration. I’ve followed these steps:
File Replacement:
I replaced all PayPal files in the packages/Webkul/Paypal folder with my custom Mpesa files under a new module folder (renamed to packages/Webkul/MpesaPayment). This includes updating namespaces, controllers, payment classes, views, configuration (in Config/paymentmethods.php), and service providers.Module Registration:
I updated the composer.json and Concord configuration (in config/concord.php) to remove references to the old PayPal module and register my new Mpesa module using the appropriate service provider.Database & Cache Clearing:
I removed or disabled any PayPal configuration entries from the database (e.g., in the main_appcore_config table) and ensured my Mpesa configuration is active. I then ran commands like:php artisan cache:clear
php artisan config:clear
php artisan view:clear
composer dump-autoload
php artisan module:discover
Despite these changes, the admin dashboard still displays the PayPal payment option, and my new Mpesa payment method isn’t loaded. It appears that even after deleting and replacing core files, the PayPal package is still being recognized.Has anyone experienced this issue? What might be causing the old PayPal integration to persist, and how can I ensure my new Mpesa module is fully loaded in the system?
Thanks in advance for any help or insights!
Hello @brunoadul
If Paypal is still exists you can simply disable the status from the configurations.
Additionally there is official DevDocs of how o create a Payment methods you can take a reference from here.
Team Bagisto