Hello @marwan-dalaty
Check Your Imports: Ensure you're importing CarouselController only from the carousel_slider package and not from Flutter's material library. The carousel_slider package provides a CarouselController for controlling carousels in your app, and you should not use the one from flutter/src/material/carousel.dart.
Remove Unnecessary Imports: Make sure you only import the CarouselController from the carousel_sliderpackage. You can do this by checking your import statements and removing the conflicting import.
Ensure only this import is present
import 'package:carousel_slider/carousel_slider.dart';
Remove or comment out the conflicting import
import 'package:flutter/src/material/carousel.dart';
Check for Duplicate Packages: Sometimes, this issue can arise if you have multiple versions of the same package or a package that has conflicting imports. Ensure your pubspec.yaml file lists only one version of carousel_slider (carousel_slider: ^4.0.0) and there are no unnecessary packages that might be importing CarouselController from conflicting sources.
Thanks & Regards