Payment methods
Hi, I tried to add payment. Methods to my bagisto website but all of them don't work. I followed the instructions to create a payment method but they don't work.
Can someone help. I want to integrate PayFast or Paystack
There's payfast payment gateway extension in bagisto:
If you are looking to create integration from scratch, could you let us know what issue you are getting and at which step.
i ran the create package script:
php artisan package:make-payment-method Webkul/Payfast
then i added this to my composer.json
"autoload": { ... "psr-4": { // Other PSR-4 namespaces "Webkul\\Payfast\\": "packages/Webkul/Payfast/src" } }
i also added this to my Config/app.php
<?php return [ // Other configuration options 'providers' => ServiceProvider::defaultProviders()->merge([ // Other service providers Webkul\Payfast\Providers\PayfastServiceProvider::class, ])->toArray(), // Other configuration options ];
and at last i ran these 2 comands
composer dump-autoload
php artisan config:cache
then when i check in my websites configuration->sales->payment methods.
the payment method does not appear