Error custom-theme store when edit section image_carousel
@alexVillalobos noted im pull this
i think have one bug this image_carousel -
@alexVillalobos i found problem only use version 2.0 and adjust some files to correct function custom theme
Admin/src/Resources/views/settings/themes/editline 115 one span not close this section
<span class="text-gray-600 transition-all dark:text-gray-300"> <a :href="'{{ config('app.url') }}/' + image.image" :ref="'image_' + index" target="_blank" class="text-blue-600 transition-all hover:underline ltr:ml-2 rtl:mr-2" > <span :ref="'imageName_' + index"> @{{ image.image }} </span> //this missing i add and fixed problem </a> </span>