Bagisto installation in cpanel grand problem
@rahul can you help me rahul,i will give you my cpanel details
Hi @mtande
Don't share your cpanel details here, please create a ticket at - with your details.
We will look into this.
I have already sent a ticket please help me @rahul
@rahul 123
or 444 i'm not sure
@rahul it is #444
@rahul just log in and fix this for me,i have tried and failed many times.....i really need your help guys
@rahul my domain is
@rahul Thanks
Hi @mtande
Can you tell me location of your project after login to cpanel on terminal and name.
@rahul in bagisto folder,
and according to some online documentation on how to upload laravel project into cpanel, i move all folder from public folder to my public_folder -
in bagisto folder and public_html i have not deleted my vendor folder yet -
@mtande said in Bagisto installation in cpanel grand problem:
@rahul in bagisto folder,
and according to some online documentation on how to upload laravel project into cpanel, i move all folders from public folder to my public_html -
Hi @mtande
You have used mariadb 10.1 which does not support json column.
Kindly update it to 10.2 which support json column.Then install bagisto as mentioned using terminal.
@rahul Thanks...but one more question
Did i upload bagisto correctly or i should start over again -
Hi @mtande
You need to upgrade database, bagisto is fine there.
Then run following at project root.
php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed
composer dump-autoload
php artisan vendor:publish
php artisan storage:link