Multiple prices on a single product
Hello Forum,
I was wondering if there is a way to create multiple prices for a single product without fully customizing Bagisto.
I have a few configurable products, but does configured products need to be able to have multiple prices.
Base Product -> Variant Product -> Prices -> ---- Price1 ---- Price2
i do not want to create a variant with a different price of the same product.
Help is appreciated.
Thanks for asking this query!if you want the multiple prices of same product like $p1, $p2, $p3 for single product, then, please describe in what condition these prices should be displayed??
Each product has varying installments where a customer can pay in. For example.
A product with a certain variant is available to purchase at installments;
1 - $335 for 10 months (Total $3350)
2 - $700 for 5 months (Total $3500)
etc.Each installment level has a different price. So want i'm trying to do is assign the product multiple prices and then divide them into their installments.
you need to customize this functionality, as right now this is not availableThanks.