List products by category in one page
I have created package where I want list categories and filter products by category name.
I don't know how exactly filter products by one view and in bagisto here is list products by category page e.g.
I try to use this example, but can't get it working, because I don't know where I get class "Products" and function AllProducts.
Can someone guide me in the right direction of how I could get this to work correctly? This is what I'm trying to do:
My code in products view:
$categories = []; foreach (app('Webkul\Category\Repositories\CategoryRepository')->getVisibleCategoryTree(core()->getCurrentChannel()->root_category_id) as $category) { array_push($categories, $category); } ?> @if (count($categories)) <div class="list-container" style="text-align:center;margin-top: 50px;"> <ul class="list-group"> @foreach ($categories as $key => $category) <li> {{ $category->name }} </li> @endforeach </ul> </div> @endif
Hi @PyramidHead,
The first thing is this, you need to fetch the categories first, for e.g. in controller you can fetch all by this,
$categories = Category::all();
Now, if you check the
model, this model is already related to products,foreach ($categories as $category) { $product = $category->product; ... }
Thanks for the response. Can you still tell how I can make this code working:
Because category id's is not stored in the products table
public function allProducts(Request $request){ if(!empty($request->category)){ $data = products::whereIn('category_id',$request->category)->paginate(12); return response()->json($data); } $data = products::paginate(12); return response()->json($data); }
Hi @PyramidHead,
Please check this,
public function allProducts(Request $request){ if (! empty($request->category)) { $data = Category::find('id', $request->category)->products->paginate(12); return response()->json($data); } $data = Product::paginate(12); return response()->json($data); }