Error add Category
Hi @maullana,
Just change the definer and import the below SQL,
DELIMITER $$ CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` FUNCTION `get_url_path_of_category`( categoryId INT, localeCode VARCHAR(255) ) RETURNS varchar(255) CHARSET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DETERMINISTIC BEGIN DECLARE urlPath VARCHAR(255); IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT id FROM categories WHERE id = categoryId AND parent_id IS NULL ) THEN SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(parent_translations.slug SEPARATOR '/') INTO urlPath FROM categories AS node, categories AS parent JOIN category_translations AS parent_translations ON = parent_translations.category_id WHERE node._lft >= parent._lft AND node._rgt <= parent._rgt AND = categoryId AND node.parent_id IS NOT NULL AND parent.parent_id IS NOT NULL AND parent_translations.locale = localeCode GROUP BY; IF urlPath IS NULL THEN SET urlPath = (SELECT slug FROM category_translations WHERE category_translations.category_id = categoryId); END IF; ELSE SET urlPath = ''; END IF; RETURN urlPath; END$$ DELIMITER ;
- about a year later
What will be the Definer for me, I am using windows 11 and xampp server.
Check your database credentials.