I need to do social login functionality for Bagisto v1.1.2
I have installed socialite laravel plugin and also use social login package from bagisto v1.2.0 source code.when i try to login with Facebook it will redirect customer login page but nothing happened...
So any one can provide solution for this issue? -
make sure you have set the valid client_id, client_secret, callback_url in .env file
also at the facebook end https://developers.facebook.com/apps do the below changes to set the valid redirection
@Vaishali-Agarwal It's now working, thanks for quick reply.
@Mayankpanchal I also have bagisto 1.1.2 version and due to the fact that I have made a lot of changes to it, I cannot upgrade it. I need to use the social logins in it. How may I? Could you please help?