save-address api params
I am having issues saving customer address before proceeding to save-order (dependent on address). I tried using body the following params with a customer token to save the address but I'm getting the wrong response and the address is not saving.
{ "billing" : { "address1" : { "0" : "qq" }, "use_for_shipping" : "false", "first_name" : "john", "last_name" : "doe", "email" : "" }, "shipping" : { "address1" : { "0" : "bb" }, "first_name" : "john", "last_name" : "doe", "email" : "" } }
{ "data": { "id": 23, "customer_email": "", "customer_first_name": "Rich", "customer_last_name": "Antal", "shipping_method": "flatrate_flatrate", "coupon_code": null, "is_gift": "0", "items_count": "2", "items_qty": "12.0000", "exchange_rate": null, "global_currency_code": "USD", "base_currency_code": "USD", "channel_currency_code": "GHS", "cart_currency_code": "GHS", "grand_total": "2450.0000", "formated_grand_total": "GHS 2,450.00", "base_grand_total": "2450.0000", "formated_base_grand_total": "$2,450.00", "sub_total": "2450.0000", "formated_sub_total": "GHS 2,450.00", "base_sub_total": "2450.0000", "formated_base_sub_total": "$2,450.00", "tax_total": "0.0000", "formated_tax_total": "GHS 0.00", "base_tax_total": "0.0000", "formated_base_tax_total": "$0.00", "discount": "0.0000", "formated_discount": "GHS 0.00", "base_discount": "0.0000", "formated_base_discount": "$0.00", "checkout_method": null, "is_guest": "0", "is_active": "1", "conversion_time": null, "customer": null, "channel": null, "items": [{...}], "selected_shipping_rate": null, "payment": { "id": 2, "method": "cashondelivery", "method_title": "Card Payment", "created_at": "2020-10-13T15:13:14.000000Z", "updated_at": "2020-10-13T15:13:14.000000Z" }, "billing_address": null, "shipping_address": null, "created_at": "2020-10-08T02:17:03.000000Z", "updated_at": "2020-10-13T15:11:56.000000Z", "taxes": "{\"0\":0}", "formated_taxes":"{\"0\":\"GHS\ 0.00\"}", "base_taxes": "{\"0\":0}", "formated_base_taxes": "{\"0\":\"$0.00\"}", "formated_discounted_sub_total": "GHS 2,450.00", "formated_base_discounted_sub_total": "GHS 2,450.00" } }
Thank you.
Hi @zig2na,
Can you share the screenshot of the postman with the response and request data? From this, i am not able to get this.