Redis setup not working
Hello everyone,
I follow this instruction to enable Redis for my site, but it doesn't work, there is no message output on redis-cli monitor console. am using v1.3.
How could i know Bagisto is taking redis configuration? or is there any step which is not mentioned in document?Thank you.
Hi @bzero
Please run
php artisan config:cache after making the changes as mentioned in the article.
then to check whether redis is working use this command and browse your website:-redis-cli monitor
do let us know if you face any issues.
Hello @ayushwebkul
I also tried this command, and this below as well, but redis-cli monitor gives nothing.
php artisan optimize -
please gives us the following details so that we can reproduce the issue on our end -- Operating system
- Redis version
- Whether redis is running locally or on a different server?
- Server configurations (RAM, CPU). etc.
Hi @ayushwebkul
- Operating system
Debian 10
Redis version:
ii libhiredis0.14:amd64 0.14.0-3 amd64 minimalistic C client library for Redis ii redis-server 5:5.0.3-4+deb10u2 amd64 Persistent key-value database with network interface ii redis-tools 5:5.0.3-4+deb10u2 amd64 Persistent key-value database with network interface (client)
Whether redis is running locally or on a different server?
Server configurations (RAM, CPU). etc.
Tested on two systems, 1- physical machine (i7, 8G ram) Another is on Vultr instance, 1G ram
Thank you.
@bzero thanks for the information, we will get back to you soon after reproducing the issue on our end.
Hello @bzero
We have checked your redis issue and redis is working fine on our end with this server configuration.
- redis = 5.0.3
- RAM = 2GB
- OS = ubuntu 18.04LTS (Debian)
We recommend to use redis as both CACHE_DRIVER as well as SESSION_DRIVER for bagisto, therefore you need to modify your .env accordingly setting CACHE_DRIVER = redis, SESSION_DRIVER= redis
After any modification in .env, remove <bagisto_root>/bootstrap/cache/config.php file and then flush the bagisto previous configuration, cache and route by "php artisan config:cache", "php artisan cache:clear", "php artisan route:clear".
Also check for the predis is installed properly by composer if not then run "composer require predis/predis" in bagisto root directory.
Thanks and Regards
Great. Thanks for this instruction.
I will update you for the result soon.