Set price based on country
Hi, for example I have some country arrays, how could I set the price depending on the country?
For example, I use this function but I don't get the location from the country basket.
How can I proceed?$area1 = 'Hungary'; $area2 = array('Czechia', 'Slovakia', 'Slovenia', 'Bulgaria', 'Serbia'); $area3 = array('Poland', 'Germany', 'Switzerland', 'Netherlands', 'Liechtenstein', 'Austria', 'Italy', 'Croatia'); $area4 = array('Denmark', 'France', 'United Kingdom', 'Irland', 'San Marino', 'Vatican', 'Mocano', 'Portugal', 'Spain', 'Canary Islands'); $area5 = array('Greece', 'Andorra', 'Gibraltar', 'Sweden', 'Finland', 'Norway', 'Malta', 'Cyprus', 'Estonia', 'Lithuania', 'Latvia', 'Turkey'); switch ($cart->shipping_address->country) { case $area1: $object->base_price = 18; break; case array_search($cart->shipping_address->country, $area2): $object->base_price = 18; break; case array_search($cart->shipping_address->country, $area3): $object->base_price = 8; break; case array_search($cart->shipping_address->country, $area4): break; case array_search($cart->shipping_address->country, $area5): break; }
Or I tried with ifs but it doesn't work, I get error 500 when I want to post.
He may not find the country.
How would you proceed to set a price depending on the country? -
Hi @DaniD,
This is something that you are customizing and you should be familiar with the basics. If you want some customization you can contact Webkul for support.