Add products in cart with numeric value
How can I add products in cart with numeric value? From example cart page
data: function() { return { qty: this.quantity } }, watch: { quantity: function (val) { this.qty = val; this.$emit('onQtyUpdated', this.qty) console.log(this.qty) } }, methods: { decreaseQty: function() { if (this.qty > this.minQuantity) this.qty = parseInt(this.qty) - 1; this.$emit('onQtyUpdated', this.qty) console.log(this.qty) }, increaseQty: function() { this.qty = parseInt(this.qty) + 1; this.$emit('onQtyUpdated', this.qty) console.log(this.qty) } }
For example, how could I make these values receive the data I type from the keyboard?
<script type="text/x-template" id="quantity-changer-template"> <div :class="`quantity control-group ${errors.has(controlName) ? 'has-error' : ''}`"> <label class="required">{{ __('shop::app.products.quantity') }}</label> <button type="button" class="decrease" @click="decreaseQty()">-</button> <input :value="qty" class="control" :name="controlName" :v-validate="validations" data-vv-as=""{{ __('shop::app.products.quantity') }}"" /> <button type="button" class="increase" @click="increaseQty()">+</button> <span class="control-error" v-if="errors.has(controlName)">@{{ errors.first(controlName) }}</span> </div> </script>
Without :value=qty can send data from keyboard but increase and decrease.. will not work