Base table or view not found
Please I encounter this issue for a while on a fresh installed bagisto. I tried searching online for solution but no article that can solve this. I manually removed cache folder inside bootstrap and also remove vendor. I ran composer update, composer du etc but nothing happen.
Please I need help on how to get rid of this
Alright, I figure out the course of this error. In case you encounter this error, there is a possibility that you are using MarketPlace extension from bagisto.
What you have to do is to go marketplace -> src -> poviders -> marketplaceserviceprovider.php Inside you will see
$this->app->register(ModuleServiceProvider::class); and $this->app->register(EventServiceProvider::class);
Then wrap it inside if statement like this...
public function __contruct() { $this->channel = Channel::all(); } if (isset($this->channel)) { $this->app->register(ModuleServiceProvider::class); $this->app->register(EventServiceProvider::class); }
To produce this error, setup a fresh nagisto and configure marketplace extension at once before runing migration.