Target class Stripe/Payment/Stripe does not exist
I'm trying to make new payment method for Stripe..
I've created the package with
php artisan package:make-payment-method Stripe
It says the class doesn't exist.
This is my config:
<?php return [ 'stripe' => [ 'code' => 'stripe', 'title' => 'Stripe', 'description' => 'Stripe', 'class' => 'Stripe\Payment\Stripe' 'active' => true, 'sort' => 1, ], ];
Also tried this:
<?php return [ 'stripe' => [ 'code' => 'stripe', 'title' => 'Stripe', 'description' => 'Stripe', 'class' => \Stripe\Payment\Stripe::class, 'active' => true, 'sort' => 1, ], ];
Any advice, please?
Have you create Stripe Class?