Disable shipping on checkout
How can i disable or hide shipping on checkout?
Hello amanpaix,
As in Bagisto current version, we have two types of product
- Simple
- Configurable
And, these two types are of physical products which needed to be shipped i.e., why we have provided shipping tab in checkout process. But, in the future release, we will add one more product type i.e, virtual product for which the shipping is not needed, so the shipping tab will be removed for virtual product.
- about a year later
I want to disable it because we are not shipping physical products but customer pick it up from our store, but as we are only providing this method, we want to skip this step
Hi @harismansoor,
Disabling the shipping method will break your code because in backend checks are also added and this is fully customizable.
Instead, I suggest you make one more shipment method which is known as
Pick Up
, and from config disable the default two methods and enable your ones.Reference: https://devdocs.bagisto.com/1.x/advanced/create_shipping_method.html
Maybe this package can help you out https://github.com/ghermans/bagisto-pickup