Logo and Favicon error.
When I'm trying to upload a logo and Favicon from admin dashboard, it's not showing in frontend (shop).it shows broken image . How to fix it?
Hello there,
Thank you so much for your query.
Please check the screenshot below, there the dimension for the icon has been added and I have followed the same and it is working fine.
In case you find issue please let us know at which instance you are facing the issue, for understanding the concern.
Thank You.
I Change the image resolution but still facing the same problem. -
Hi @darxubair, Clear the cache with the below command-
php artisan optimize:clear
and reload the page with a hard refresh.
@Amitk-Webkul i do but still facing the same problem.
Have you tried to unlink the storage and then linked again?Please try this as well, may be this will help you to resolve the issue.
Please run - unlink storage
after that - php artisan optimize:clear
and finally - php artisan storage:link