Change card display type
how do i set the mode to switch the display from grid to list? because this gives me this error:
syntax error, unexpected token "]", expecting "("
. i'm using bagisto 2<x-shop::products.carousel title="New Arrivals" :src="route('shop.api.products.index', ['new' => 1])" :navigation-link="route('shop.api.products.index', ['new' => 1])" :mode="list" > </x-shop::products.carousel>
<!-- Grid Card --> <div class='grid gap-2.5 content-start w-full relative' v-if="mode != 'list'" > </div> <!-- List Card --> <div class="flex gap-[15px] grid-cols-2 max-w-max relative max-sm:flex-wrap rounded-[4px] overflow-hidden" v-else > </div>
Hello there,
Is this happening in Bagisto 2.0 version? -
@ashish2409 yes please
As I was checking above screenshot details i found that you are passing :mode="list" in the product carousel
may i know so that I can help you to resolve your query. -
@ashish2409 i don't know where to indicate the type of display to use. i was guessing it would be there, since it's part of the properties or @props