Category's filterable attributes not working propertly
Hello, I am trying to construct a multi-product Shop. Let's say I have a product which is a CPU, and I also have another product which is a GPU. Now, both are different categories and have their own attribute families - although, they both should have an attribute "Brand", the content of this attribute should be different. For CPU - Intel, AMD and for GPU - NVIDIA, ZOTAC etc.
In the filters, I don't want to show all brands, I want to show only the ones that are exactly for that specific product category.
One solution was to create 2 different attributes with 2 different names: GPU brand and CPU brand and I had no problem. But, when they both had EN label set to "Brand", I could not select filterable attribute for a category. By selecting Brand "2" on the screen, Brand "1" is being selected. How do I resolve this problem?
We are checking the same and will be updating you ASAP.
Really appreciated for your query.
Thank You
@ashish2409 Is there any development on this issue? I couldn't neither make the custom attributes working on Bagisto 2.0.0.
I followed the tutorial on bagisto's youtube channel. (My attribute type is Multiselect and input options is dropdown. I add three options. I activated use in layered navigation option. I attached the attribute to the default attribute family and also to a custom attribute family. I activated it as filterable attributes on some categories.) I created products both on default and custom attribute family type. I can see the filters on category pages in customer view and product edit page in admin view. I activate the corresponding options from the attribute on the product page. But when I choose any option from the filter on the category page I got no product availble.
Is there anyone have an idea what could be wrong?
@gokhanyildiz I found out what is going wrong from my side. I may misunderstand the intention of multiselect. I thought it would be possible to select multiple attribute options by pressing ctrl key + mouse click for the product. Instead of doing this, by selecting only one option, the filtering worked. So, is this the intention of the multiselect type, or is there any bug?
And this raises another question, how would it be or would it be possible to give a product several attribute options under 1 attribute. We need to show to the user after she checks different options under 1 attribute (filter group).
@gokhanyildiz I keep responding myself
I have tried all of the types of attributes today. I found out that checkbox attribute type actually gives me the possibility to check multiple options for the product in the admin panel. But still on the customer view, if the product has more than 1 attribute option is assigned and when I choose any option on the filter, that product goes away.
Please, is there anyone who can at least tell that this is the way it is working or there should be a bug. I admit you developed a wonderful product, but at some point we should accept it is not suitable for everyone's needing and decide to keep spending time on it or not.
@gokhanyildiz I found something regarding this. In DB product_attribute_values, we hold the products and regarding attributes. On column text_value we hold the attribute option id. If I select multiple option this value becomes collection of the option ids separated with comma like: 16,17. Then filtering on front end in layered navigation does not work. But I separated this entries into two different entry with each option id, it worked out. I mean I created two separate entries in product_attribute_values with text_value for 16 and 17. Now if I filter with this two option in front end, I can view the product in 3 cases.(only option 1 selected, only option 2 selected, both option1&2 selected)
@gokhanyildiz But this ruined another thing. In admin panel, in product view, now only the first option of the attribute is shown as selected as the second option is not assigned to the product.
@gokhanyildiz I solved this also by adding a third enrtro into product_attribute_values table with text value 16,17. As a result I have three entries with text_value "16" "17" and "16,17". This way customer view filters the product with "or" function and the admin view shows all the assigned options. So I am aware there might be some other issues by manually interpreting with DB. I just wanted to point out where should be focused.
I couldn't go further yet in the source code to have an implementation but I think either if we can update the comment to insert or read comment responsible for product_attribute_values table we will be developing this feature.
Any guidance will be highly appreciated