problem when bidding product configuration
Hello, I have the following question: what steps should I follow to correctly perform bidding when creating a configured product? I have already entered everything corresponding to the database level. They are bidding, but when displayed on the web, the options are not shown. Can you tell me why? Attached image
this my global productthis is config product
all product stay active, if enabled individual show product on web i need show use configuration product
@alexVillalobos said in problem when bidding product configuration:
correctly perform bidding when creating a configured product? I
Hello @alexVillalobos
Can you please elaborate on what bidding refers to while creating a configurable product?
Also if you are facing any issue while creating a configurable products you can go through the link below.
Link ->
Thanks & Regards
@Rishabh-Webkul i found why not show up, for next on this forum, if put
Queue on sync this change appers on instant when change to database need runphp artisan queue:work
to take effect this process go to job apply this change show correctly