Address field empty on save-address request
Hey, when calling api/v1/save-address with example body
{ "billing": { "address": [ "Some street 123" ], "save_as_address": false, "use_for_shipping": true, "first_name": "Adam", "last_name": "Adam", "email": "", "company_name": "xxx", "city": "Madrid", "state": "Illinois", "country": "PL", "postcode": 12345, "phone": 123454423 }, "shipping":{ "address": [ "12341234" ], "save_as_address": false, "first_name": "adas", "last_name": "asdf", "email": "", "company_name": "1234", "city": "test", "state": "test", "country": "PL", "postcode": 55555, "phone": 55555555 } }
The request goes through and everything seems fine, cart is being updated and I can see billing and shipping addresses in cart
But one thing is missing
in cart.billing_address and cart.shipping_address the address array is empty.
Request payloadResponse
Also in response, the rates array is empty aswell and i'm not getting a list of shipment methods like on the original api.
Hello @Peppek1993
Kindly let us know are you facing these issues on the master branch if yes, then kindly raise your issue on GitHub.
Thanks & Regards