Edit product review date
I'm creating a shop and want migrate from woocommerce and now start to create same products and reviews and users. But in product review date is not editable. How i can edit that date? -
Hello @aghaeian
Can you please provide a screenshot for the reference this will help us to resolve your query.
Thanks & Regards
This is sample
Hello @aghaeian
By default, we don't provide the date to get edited if you want you can customize it from the code from the below file path
packages >> Webkul >> Shop >> src >> Resources >> views >> reviews.blade.php
Thanks & Regards
@Rishabh-Webkul i want to edit date on admin panel during approve review. in try to edit file but not editable in admin too. Also i can find file in this rout:
/packages/Webkul/Shop/src/Resources/views/products/view -
@aghaeian How i can edit review date in database?