Product SKU
Can I change the SKU of product table from integer to string?
Will there be any problem?I'm using Bagisto - 0.1.9
SKU column in the product table is already in string
you can check here, -
Thanks @Vaishali-Agarwal
Even though the sku is varchar, i cannot input a string in the sku space from the admin panel
SKU accepts only valid characters are alphanumeric, as well as underscore (_) and dash(-), it doesn't allow spaces. -
@RK-REZA or you can change this slug file
the default value of the 'SKU Check' is thisreturn preg_match('/^[a-z0-9]+(?:-[a-z0-9]+)*$/', $value);
Only accept lowercase
why not likereturn preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+(?:-[a-zA-Z0-9]+)*$/', $value);
so it accepts the uppercase also..
Kindly check this , post your suggestion if according to you sku should be in caps. -
@Vaishali-Agarwal I'm entering a string 'H40' but it is showing invalid
kindly add the sku in this format "h40" as capital letters are not allowed -
@Vaishali-Agarwal Okay,Thank you!